Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Parenting Business Opportunity- Make a difference

Being a parent is one of the most important parts of our lives. It does not come with classes and a manual. Many of us are not aware of how important the first 6 years of life are and that parents are the primary educator. 80% of the brain develops during this phase and there are windows of opportunity that allow for maximum potential later in life if stimulated during this phase. Learning happens mainly through play with love and nurturing being the most important ingredients.

I have been asked to lead a new organisation in South Africa called Brain Boosters.We are in the pilot phase now and will role out to the rest of South Africa later in the year.The idea is new, innovative and cutting edge. The product is real value for money and well thought out.

It is a monthly club rather than a purchase of a product. Each month from birth to the end of your child's 5th year you receive three items.
1. An hour of play, fun and learning for the parents
2. An educational toy
3. A Story Box filled with books,activities and ideas.

At the moment I am looking for MOMS and DADS who may be interested in this as a business opportunity in your area. The idea is that you manage workshops for groups of parents according to age in your own home, with friends and family or at a local community hub.

Training wil be provided and there is a great team behind the whole operation.Once a parent joins, you have the possibility of a monthly customer for the next 5 years. You will be helping other parents to understand their children and make a difference in society.

The second opportunity is to set up a business unit servicing parents in the workplace. This is a seperate opportunity and involves managing a team of trainers, relationship building and selling in the workplace.

I will be holding an information session on the HOME model on Saturday the 28th May from 09h30 till 12h30 in Johannesburg.Please pass this on to anyone you feel may be interested.There will be a booking fee of R100 to cover costs and to ensure committment.Please email me at lgsmith@mweb.co.za of you are intereested and to confirm venue and payment.

MAKE THE NATION COUNT - You can now help to make this happen.


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