Saturday, July 14, 2012

Trial by fire

This morning I was taking a slow drive from Kleinmond to Hermanus. Close to Arabella Golf Estate, I noticed a long stretch of charcoal trees, arid veld and the sprinkling of new growth. This was the aftermath of a huge fire that must have taken place in the area some time back. I was immediately reminded of a friend from Hermanus who had shared with me that fire is necessary in the ecology of the beautiful Fynbos that grows in this area. The plant species in this ecosystem are highly diverse, yet the majority of these species are obligate seeders, that is, a fire will cause germination of the seeds and the plants will begin a new life-cycle because of it. As I drove I was reminded that often in our lives it is the deeply painful parts of our journey that bring new growth and closeness to God. We are so burnt, hurt and damaged that all we can do is cry out to God to help us see how this pain can be of value in our lives. Just as some seeds need to be exposed to fire, we must endure trial—sometimes even fiery ones—throughout our lives; when a seed is exposed to fire a chemical change occurs, triggering the seed to grow. This growth is painful and not possible without complete faith and knowing that the Lord loves us and takes our hand, one step at a time and helps us to move forward. The beautiful growth is only visible over time when we look back and can see how our lives have changed. The fire is painful, the journey is long but those that walk by faith will blossom like Fynbos in full season.


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