Saturday, December 05, 2009

Wise words for leaders on how to finish well

I read the following in my John Maxwell Leadership Bible this morning.
It is taken from an explanation on Ecclesiastes 12: 1-14

Chapter 12 concludes Solomon's meditation with some wise words that should direct every leader. They sound like the lecture of an experienced mentor attempting to counsel an emerging leader; trying to keep him or her from making some of the same mistakes he made. Consider Solomn's wisdom :

1. Don't lose sight of the big picture, especially when you are young.

2. Do what is right before it is too late to correct yourself.

3. Use your words like tools to shepherd and add value to others.

4. Don't try to master everything in life, just what is important.

5. Trust and obey God, because He is the ultimate judge.

These can form a great outline for a mentor or as part of your own reflection and planning for your journey.


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