Leading with Humanity
Life is a series of crossroads where we have the opportunity to grow, learn and make decisions.
At each crossroad, life takes us further depending on the decisions and lessons we have learnt.
This past week has been one of those defining moments in my journey of life.
This journey also has many valley and mountain experiences.
Mine has had a fair share of both.
I have celebrated the mountains and mourned in the valleys.
I have also learnt some of my greatest lessons from the valley moments and I know today I am made up of the sum total of all these moments.
I want to thank each of you for the contribution you made to my life this past week.
My syndicate group for good laughs, honest moments and encouraging me to finish on the last afternoon.
To the team that put this course together, a deep appreciation for the years of wisdom and your own humble walks.
The support team for all fitting as cogs in the wheels that took us on this exciting adventure.
We will all now go our separate ways, but I know that we each carry a piece of this week forever in our minds and souls.
I hope that our paths will cross many times over the years ahead.
I look forward to being there to help, encourage and celebrate as each of you live life filled to overflowing and making a difference in this wonderful country we all call home.
May you be blessed and continue to become all that you were destined to be.
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