Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Smile- The end of an era

On the 1st October 1992, Smile Direct Selling was born. On the 30 September2008, exactly 16 years later this business unit will close.

This 16 year journey holds so many memories. I want to record my part of that journey here and thank each and everyone of you who played a part in the history of this great company.

To Tom and Doreen for the courage to bring about the change in 1992
For Doreen's great creative mind and Tom's wonderful leadership style.
To Eleanor for all the lessons in leadership and leading us through those great years.
To David, Les and Andrew who made up the rest of the Directorship team that made this a TOP 20 non listed company in 1998 and 1999. We certainly made some great memories.
To Nina for the role you played in school business and the 1999 tender.
To each and every person in the factory from the packers , printers and machine operators- Thank you for being part of a winning Godly team.
To the internal staff like Roberta, Fiona, Kate, Berenjean, C, Desmond, Kathy, Doreen, Vernon, and many more that I have not mentioned..... we will forever be grateful for your dedication and work late at night behind the scenes.
To the Regionals who have loyally led the sales force for all these years. You are to be saluted for the many lives you have touched both in the sales team and in education in this nation.
To the Business Leaders , you have been the solid base that have held the many sales people together.
To all the thousands of sales consultants who have been touched by Smile over the years, thank you for the role you have played.
To Nikki Bush, the editor of Smile Family Club News, I thank you for the role you played in helping to take us to a new level with the Smile Family Club.
To the children who were our special shining stars. Educating the Nation was our goal and I do believe we have touched many children in this nation over this period.

On a personal note, I am grateful for all the lessons I have learnt. The wonderful realtionships that I have made and treasure in my life. For the opportunity to work in an environment where we could make a difference and really understand what it is like to work with passion and purpose. For the wonderful travel opportunities and conferences. There are still times that I hear a song and it takes me right back into the room where that event happened.

Each of us are now in a new season. We have learnt many skills and still have much to do. Take what you have, help others, make a difference and be the best you that you can be.

May you all be blessed in this next season and may the God we serve go with you always.


At 3:50 AM , Blogger thebaileytribe said...

Hi Lynda, yes those years at smile will forever hold fantastic memories for each of us. It is sad how life moves on, and all we sometimes have to show for it are the memories and the growth within us. Let's never forget those. I love you and admire the courageous way you strive to always make a difference. You are my second mom for sure. Meryl

At 4:43 AM , Blogger bronnileigh said...

Thank you for believing in Smile for so long. It know that it made a difference in so many lives:)

For we can only plant the seeds and look after them - it is not up to us to make the plants grow and flower...


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