Man does not live by bread alone....
It was the start of lent this week. I thought about what I should fast from for this period of 40 days before Easter.
My first thoughts were that I should give up bread and then secondly wine. At the time I saw no link......
In reflection time daily as you reach for or long for what you have decided to give up, one spends time focusing on God and how we need to be strengthened by the Holy Spirit so that we can grow in Godly character.
I then realised that I had given up the elements used in Holy Communiun.
This afternoon I went for a walk on the beach and asked God what the relevance was of this?
The saying" Man dos not live by bread alone" came to mind.
We need more than bread and wine to survive. We need the inner working of HIS power in our lives.
In life when I reach for "bread" it is because it is the easy option. I am single and live alone. So often it is just easier to eat toast or make a sandwich.
On the wine front, I do not drink much. A glass or two when I am out with friends or celebrating an occasion.
How often though do we get to the point that we can turn to wine or other substances to mask pain, stress and things in life that we do not want to face.
When these are removed and we have to face the reality of life we need to have grown in Godly character along our road to ensure that we are equipped to become the best " me " that God created.
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