Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Devastation on our borders

At church this past Sunday, I listened to two people sharing about their experiences this past week.

Mozambique- Our church was part of a team that went to central Mozambique last week on a project called Farming God's Way. They shared about the destruction of the forests due to the lack of fuel and also the animals that used to share this beautiful land that have been hunted due to the lack of food. The people now hunt rats as these are all that are left. The soil is arid and the people are in desperate situations.

Zimbabwe- next a pastor from Zim shared about the current food crisis in his city. He shared that he had been into two supermarkets and found only light bulbs in the one and in Checkers Shoprite only oranges. No other products or produce.... the shelves are empty. These people are also in a desperate situation.

I have also just finished reading a life changing book called Dangerous Surrender by Kay Warren. Kay is Rick Warren's wife. In this book she talks about 21 st century Christians who "CHANGE THE CHANNAL" when we see or expereince a situation that we don't want to deal with or become involved with.

I have been convicted in both these situations right here close to our border?
What can we do to help change our world?........... or will we switch to another channal.


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