Sunday, November 10, 2013

Vocation - work that matters

This is an extract from a book called Streams of Living Water by Richard J Foster. I love his definition of what work can look like. "So what does a Christian spirituality of work look like? I can give only the barest essentials here. We have a sense of calling, a God given ability to do a job linked with a God-given enjoyment in doing it. We have a sense of responsibility to do something in our own time that has value. We have a sense of freedom from the burden of the workaholic, for we are not asked to do more than we can. We have a sense of creativity that enables us to place the autograph of our souls on the work of our hands. We have a sense of dignity for we value people over efficiency. We have a sense of community, for we know that our life together is more important than the end product. We have a sense of solidarity with the poor to empower them to do what they cannot do by themselves. And we have a sense of meaning and purpose, for we know that we are working in cooperation with God to bring the world one step closer to completion"


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