Thursday, November 16, 2023

My portfolio season with GROW ECD


As a retirement life and career coach, I help those in the second half of life to find work that is uniquely suited to them in this season of life.

We have all walked a unique journey when it relates to our career. Some started with a degree and stayed in one organization all their lives. Many others have taken a few twists and turns along the way. Some may have taken time to be a fulltime mom or to take care of elderly parents.

The statistics are telling us we will live longer and many of us have not saved enough. Working for longer, on your own terms, can be valuable. In fact, the value stretches beyond finances and includes social and emotional well-being.

In my coaching and courses, we use a vision board process called Ikigai. It is a Japanese concept and asks four questions to assist you in discovering your “Ikigai” (purpose)

1.      What do you love?

2.      What are you good at?

3.      What can you get paid for?

4.      What does the world need?

Over the past twelve months, I have had the pleasure of adding an extra project into my personal portfolio. When I was approached to take up this project management role, I asked several questions to ensure that it merged into my life in a way that worked both for myself and the project. Things like flexibility and working remotely. It also ticked many of the “ikigai” boxes for me.

The project was stimulating, involved the design and creation of a new programme and the beneficiaries were Early Childhood Centre Owners. The project needed to rollout in three different cities, and I needed to recruit and train three facilitators who would manage the in-classroom engagement and facilitation.

I spent many years in the early childhood sector and at Smile Education had the privilege to work with many leaders who have impacted the sector over many years. Leading at both Smile, MySchool and BrainBoosters helped build my skill set to take on this project. The most important ingredient in any project is the people. It was so wonderful to work with two of my Smile leaders, as facilitators on this project.

The project success was created through the people. The Executive team at GROW ECD, ably led by their CEO, Tracey Chambers as well as regional managers and local teams that pulled together to create the success. It was wonderful to work with a diverse and talented team who all had the same goal.

The project comes to an end this November and will continue in each region in 2024. The programme is now part of the plan to roll out further afield in the future. More than 650 owners have been trained and now have a heart for children and a head for business. The business skills side in this sector have been missing.

This sector looks after our young children. They are our future. The early childhood centres need to become sustainable businesses. We need to pay market related salaries to the teachers. There is so much room for job creation in this sector.

I am grateful for this past year. I have learnt new skills. I have made new friends. We have made a difference. Thank you to each person involved in this project. We certainly are stronger together.


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