Thursday, May 31, 2007

Triple Bottom Line.. or Quadruple bottom line

Most public companies in South Africa are now governed by Triple Bottom Line Reporting. This means that they need to not only be accountable to shareholders for the financial health of the company but also be responsible from a social and enviromental angle. The concept of a fourth factor is also worth considering. Spiritual Bottom Line. Spirtual is the focus on meaning and long term value to the people in the community surrounding an organisation. Worth considering?

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Have Children, Will Travel

Both my children live internationally. One in London and the other in Thailand. This week I have come to visit the English Children. I flew on a daytime flight on Nationwide. This gives people time to chat on board as one has many hours to occupy your time and you can't step out !!!. I am always interested in marketing and watching change around me. On the flight I chatted to about 5 people around me. All 5 were going to visit their children living in London. Nationwide have definitely caught this market by offering an affordable option for these parents. At the other end my children had observed ( well trained by me) that there were many children, like them waiting for parents to arrive. I wonder if this target group is on the radar of airlines?

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Take a rest and reflect

The world is so busy and full of people, things that need doing, all sorts of technology calling your name that we very seldom take time out just to reflect and catch up on who we really are.
I was lucky enough today to have such a day. Repairing a run down life before it falls apart is better than waiting for the complete collapse.
When did you last give yourself this gift?

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Love makes the world go round

As we move into a connection/relationship economy understanding people will become more critical. The simple lesson of a smile and an open attitude to others will certainly help any situation. The greatest commandment is to love others.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Halftime by Bob Buford

I have just finished reading a book called Halftime by Bob Buford. This is his own personal journey of how he moved from success to significance.This book is an excellent guide on how to address this process.

There are 2 points that stand out for me in this book.

1. If you do not start to address the issue of change before you are 50 you may find it more difficult to do the older you get.

2. Some men will move from success to significance later in life by choice.
Many women move from significance to success as a result of the empty nest syndrome.

This is not to say that older women cannot address the significance process again.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Tipping Point

A group of companies and some passionate South Africans pooled their talent, resources and time this past weekend to make a significant difference to a school in Pretoria.
Paul Netto, MD from Panache Paint has a vision to help change the face of under-resourced schools in this country. He was joined by Atterbury Construction and together with some other sponsors gave Pretoria Secondary School a complete facelift. A new coat of paint inside and out, landscaping of the property, paving, a structure to serve as a hall plus many new appliances are just some of the changes that I noticed over the weekend.
This concept is one that many companies can adopt to bring about change. We do not need to do it alone but can work in partnership with others to change the face of our nation.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Social Entrepreneurship

At the heart of many of the world’s most innovative approaches to addressing poverty, illiteracy, hunger and thirst are visionary social entrepreneurs, devoting themselves to the bottom lines of empowerment, economic opportunity, sustainability and change. They may not yet be quoted on the Nasdaq, S&P and FTSE, but social entrepreneurs are beacons of hope in addressing the looming social crisis that could derail globalisation. This quote is taken from a great blog site- This is the blog of Robert Davies, CEO of the International Business Leaders Forum.

About 2 years ago I went on a course at GIBS called " Built to Last" where the term Social Entrepreneur was defined as a follows: A person who is passionate about bringing about social change and money is not their driving object.

We need many of this type of person in South Africa to help bring about the change needed to make this a great nation.

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